Everyday I get emails asking the same question over and over:
How To Make Money Online?
The answer as the same way is:
You MUST have your own Optin List if you want to make a significant money online.
Since I'm in the solutions business I had to find a way to help other newbie like me to begin to compete on a level playing field.
There's weeks ago I received a Mail with the great reponse for the question I've always thought it's:
Never worry about spam filters again.
My new List was Born:
=> http://www.viralshock.com/members/mourad
I'm so excited with this new software because you can:
1° Build your list with the power of viral marketing up to 20 levels deep
2° Reach that list using Direct Send Technology (Direct Send Software typically costs as much as $197 and more, but you can use this one absolutely FREE!)
3° Automatically motivates your prospects to read YOUR Advertising messages.
4° Generates Viral Advertising Credits also up to 20 levels deep And pays you handsomely (as much as $148.50 EVERY month each time a subscriber gets added to your list)
You'll prove to yourself that what I've told you is absolutely true when you register for your FREE Limited Beta Testing account and software here
As a member you'll be able to:
a) Send your online newsletter to your entire virally built list of laser targeted prospects every 2 weeks via Direct Send Technology. (If you currently do not have an online newsletter, no problem. We'll show you exactly how to create one in minutes with FREE training in our member's area)
b) Expose your website to tens of thousands of eyeballs in the form of a poweful text ad that is featured when other Viral Shock users publish their online newsletters to their lists. (This means that you can reach the lists of other gurus without ever setting up a single joint venture!)c) Earn big fat commissions by referring other Internet Entrepreneurs to get their FREE Viral Shock account. (That means you can earn a residual income by giving away a free membership... just think of how easy it is to simply give away a free membership!)
Direct Send Technology allows you to:
-Make the CONNECTION with your subscribers without having to wrestle with e-mail filters, bad addresses, bounce backs, and blacklists.
-Get your subscriber's UNDIVIDED attention. Unlike conventional email marketing, your message will not be buried under a mountain of spam. Your subscribers will only see your message.
-Consistently outperform and outmaneuver the competition as your messages sent with ViralShock are the FIRST thing your subscribers see, BEFORE they get to access their email clients or browsers.
-Make issues like change of email addresses and bounce backs a complete thing of the past!
You can Trust me there's No hidden software & it can work safely on the computer.
You do not need me to spell it to you.
More Traffic is More Referrals & Great Reputation.
Start Your Viral Listbuilding Campaign at:
(Click or Copy and Past the Link Below into your browser)
=> http://www.viralshock.com/members/mourad
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