Saturday 25 February 2017

Gene Editing Comment

When I read an article about “Gene Editing The Next Step for Evolution” by David Ewing Duncan, I remembered this verse in Holy Quran: "Surely Allah is not ashamed to set forth a parable even of a mosquito or anything above that;" below a video to see an example.

All human beings are born of one father and one mother, as stated in the first verse of the chapter Women: "People! Fear your Lord who created you from a single person, and it was his wife, who both made abundance many men as well as women. "(Holy Quran - Women, 20);

Rapid advances in genetic engineering have opened the door for small terrorism groups to tailor and easily turn biological viruses into weapons.

Mr Gates tell an audience of international leaders and senior officers that the world’s next deadly pandemic “could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist”.

Traditional Bioethics, strictly forbade any modifications to the human germline. There’s no yellow light.

“With nuclear weapons, you’d think you would probably stop after killing 100million. "Smallpox– Currently only existing in laboratory cultures" won’t stop. Because the population is naïve, and there are no real preparations. That, if it got out and spread, would be a larger number.”

The increasingly common use of gene editing technology would make it difficult to spot any potential terrorist conspiracy. Technologies which have made it easy to read DNA sequences and tinker with them to rewrite or tweak genes have many legitimate uses.

Mr Gates said the potential death toll from a disease outbreak could be higher than other threats such as climate change or nuclear war.

He said: “This is like earthquakes, you should think in order of magnitudes. If you can kill 10 people that’s a one, 100 people that’s a two... Bioterrorism is the thing that can give you not just sixes, but sevens, eights and nines.

“With nuclear war, once you have got a six, or a seven, or eight, you’d think it would probably stop. [With bioterrorism] it’s just unbounded if you are not there to stop the spread of it.”

By tailoring the genes of a virus, it would be possible to manipulate its ability to spread and its ability to harm people. The more recognised risk couldn’t be seen.

Being able to develop a vaccine as soon as possible against a new outbreak is particularly important and could save huge numbers of lives, scientists working at Mr Gates foundation believe.

It typically takes up to a decade to develop and license a new vaccine. To halt a deadly airborne disease outbreak, that would need to be cut to as little as 90 days.

The need to stop a disease epidemic is so important that countries should prepare for it as they currently prepare for war, complete with large exercises and drills.

He will tell his audience: “Getting ready for a global pandemic is every bit as important as nuclear deterrence and avoiding a climate catastrophe.”

Should this help to make clearly that Gene Editing inforce the law of the creator & a disaster for Human so Keep natural and stay away from GMO.

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Travel Europe By Bus For 6 Months All Inclusive

What if you could do that, and get paid for it. The dream, right?

Well, that dream could soon become a reality.

European travel company “Busabout” is hiring two lucky souls to laze about Europe stopping at bars, landmarks, tourist traps, restaurants, parties, and everything in between. They're looking for "two travel addicts" who want to turn being on vacation into a job. They'll take the positions of brand ambassador and video producer.

The job description says the pair will take "idyllic strolls along the Seine, visiting ancient castles in the Czech Republic and climbing to the top of Europe in the Swiss Alps" and they'll sail "the crystal clear waters of the Adriatic coast, island-hopping [their] way to the most stunning Greek sunset, partying it up in Ibiza & having a stein (or three) at Oktoberfest!"

While the pay isn't specified and probably isn't going to blow you away, the company covers travel, admissions, and accommodation, as well as providing a daily food stipend. (Busabout had not responded to a request for specifics on pay at the time of publication.)

It appears the travel itinerary is set and the duo will hop around putting together vlogs and social media posts for the site, detailing their travels. Based on a map on the job page the lucky duo will hit Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Bruges, Budapest, Krakow, Madrid, Nice, Paris, Prague, Rome, Split, Tangiers, Venice, and a load of other cities.

The application form is short and it appears the big piece they're looking for is a YouTube video where you show off your skills. But if this is your dream job, you better hurry up. Applications are due by March 5th.