Friday, 26 February 2010

Moroccan American Club 20th Anniversary

Welcome to Washington Moroccan American Club 20th Anniversary
20 years / 20 events
Kingdom of Morocco offered by: Casablanca Travel and Tours

Win an All Inclusive Four Star Trip for Two to theKingdom of Morocco,
Press release : Washington Moroccan American Club Sets Goal of 20 Events to Celebrate 20th Anniversary in March 2010

Press release بيان صحفي
Since its inception in March 1990, the Washington Moroccan American Club (WMC) has grown to serve the Moroccan American community nationwide. Over the past 20 years, we have organized and strengthened our presence in the cultural, business, government, and even political sectors. The WMC’s 20th Anniversary is a celebration for all of us as we look toward the future and embrace the next generation both here in the U.S. and in Morocco.

Monday March 1, 2010: Event To Be Confirmed, Kick-Off Event with DC Mayor Adrian Fenty
March 1, 2010: Event To Be Confirmed, Kick-Off Event with DC Mayor Adrian Fenty City Hall, Washington, DC, Audience with WMC 20/20 Organizing Committee
يحدد لاحقا/ الاثنين 1 مارس 2010: افتتاح التظاهرة من طرف عمدة واشنطن

Thursday March 4, 2010 HMEMSA: Moroccan American Network for Education
HMEMSAHome of Moroccan Educators and Moroccan Students in America:Academic Community & Students invited to attend,/space limited:
From 2 - 4 PM Hosted by GLOBAL Education at George Mason University Johnson Center Room: JC 3rd Floor Meeting Rm GRsvp: Mohamed Belkhayat mbnns@yahoo.comChair: Nadia Duchell: Co-Chair: Amine Chigani:
الخميس 4 مارس2010 : ندوة في جامعة جورج مايسن (George Mason )يؤطرها دكاترة وأساتذة جامعيين مغاربة حول موضوع تسهيل ولوج الجامعات والمعاهد الأمريكية في وجه الطلبة المغاربة الجدد بتأطير من "بيت الأكاديميين المغاربة الأمريكيين في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية"

Friday 5, March 2010: Morocco and Movies
Hosted ed by Moroccan American Center Movie: 7:30 PM followed by reception Location: Goethe-Institute 812 Seventh Street NWWashington DC 20001/ Metro Stop: Gallery Place/Chinatown Chairs and Contacts : Jean AbiNader : jabinader@moroccanamericancenter.comCaitlin Dearing :
الجمعة 5 مارس 2010 : المغرب وصناعة الأفلام

Tuesday March 9, 2010 :The Tangier American Legation Institute (TALIM)
Hosted by TALIM Johns Hopkins University, the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS)6:30 pm-Networking; 7:00 pm-Program; 8:00 pm- NetworkingLocation: 1740 Massachusetts Ave, NW Washington, DC 20036, Kenney Auditorium. Panelists: Dr. I William Zartman, President, TALIMDiane Ponasik, Secretary, TALIMDr. Mary Ellen Lane, Executive Director of Council of American Overseas Research Centers, Smithsonian Institution.
For more Information: contact Tim Resch at or phone: 703 470 3166
الثلاثاء 9 مارس ، 2010 : ندوة ينظمها معهد الإرث الأمريكي في طنجة يتم فيها الحديث عن هذا المتحف باعتباره المؤسسة الوحيدة التي تعود ملكيتها لأمريكا خارج أراضيها، والتطرق إلى الدور الذي يقوم به هذا المتحف كمركز للأبحاث بالإضافة إلى الأنشطة الجمعوية والثقافية التي ينشط من خلالها هذا المتحف

Thursday March 11, 2010 Healthy Moroccan Cooking
Cooking Demo By Chef Samir Labriny Casablanca Restaurant, 7 - 9 PMLocation: 1504 King St. Alexandria, VA 22314Reservations, 703 549 6464,,
اTopicsUse of herbs and spices in healthy Moroccan cookingthe compositions of meals in moroccothe health benefits of Moroccan cuisine
لخميس 11 مارس , 2010: عروض الطبخ المغربي الصحي يقدمها الشاف سمير البريني رئيس المعهد المغربي للطبخ بأمريكا.

Hosted by High Atlas Foundation ( HAF) Location: TBD- TIME: TBDJoin the High Atlas Foundation for a conversation about rural development in Morocco, and learn more about their socio-economic and environmental projects that are changing the lives of thousands of Moroccan families, and ways you can get involved. Chairs & Contacts: Kate McLetchie & Tina Khartami, HAF Board Members (646) 688-2946
الجمعة 12 مارس 2010: ندوة حول "التنمية القروية في المغرب" من تأطير جمعية "الأطلس الكبير" حول مشروع غرس مليون شجرة والحفاظ على الماء الصالح للشرب.

Saturday March 13, 2010 WMC Youth Fine Arts Event & Poetry Slam
Time : 4:30 - 7:30 PMMcLean Community CenterLocation: , 1234 Ingleside Ave. McLean, VA
Chair & Contact: Annalisa Assaadi, Phone # 703 609 3666Co Chairs: Amal Lafhal & Meryem Boulale Register Now age 7 to 17 !
السبت 13 مارس ، 2010: مسابقة ثقافية وفنية مفتوحة في وجه الجيل الأول من المغاربة الأمريكيين.

Saturday & Sunday March 13 & 14 , 2010 : WMC Container of Care: Destination Morocco!
Click on the title to see the drop off locations
Ongoing Collection February & March 2010at Locations listed below. "Stuff A Truck" Weekend, Special Event, March 13 & 14, 2010 locations to be announced!Coinciding with the Washington Moroccan Club’s (WMC) 20th Anniversary, WMC is asking the community to donate gently used clothing, shoes, infant items and school supplies to fill a cargo container destined for Morocco.Chairs and Contacts:Touria Bernoussi : Noura Chehboun : queenamiranora@hotmail.comAicha Bensaid: Hnia Amal:

السبت والأحد مارس 13 ، 14 ، 2010 : تنظيم مبادرة "حاويات الأمل" وتخص جمع تبرعات من ملابس ولوازم دراسية من أطفال مغاربة وأمريكيين لفائدة الأطفال المغاربة لخلق جسر من التواصل بين أطفال أمريكا وأطفال المغرب.

1 to 5 PM, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Choate Room, 1779 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036 – Dupont Circle metro
The link between the status of a country’s women and its progress in development is well established. In this event, preeminent experts on issues of gender and development in Morocco will examine this link as it has impacted Morocco’s progress. They will present their views on past and projected legal reforms affecting women’s rights, on women’s psychological wellbeing and its effect on raising empowered daughters, and on how best to empower Moroccan women to achieve social, economic, and political equality for themselves and their daughters.
لأربعاء 17 مارس 2010: ندوة تتطرق إلى تقييم ودعم المرأة المغربية وتتضمن نقاشا حول مشروع المدونة.

Time TBD, George Washington University - near Foggy Bottom Metro Station
الجمعة 19 مارس2010 ندوة حول الأمازيغية ثم عرض فيلم أمازيغي
For many years, the Moroccan Amazigh community struggled for official recognition. Recently, a series of events, including an intense grassroots campaign by activists and several historic government decisions, have resulted in the “coming of age” of the Imazighen question. These developments, such as the establishment of the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, sweeping educational reforms, and the issuance of the Amazigh Manifesto, have had significant linguistic, artistic, and socio-political implications. In this event, Washington Moroccan Club, the Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, and George Washington University have partnered to present a series of panels exploring these different aspects. Experts in Amazigh language and culture will shed light on the Imazighen question as it matures in this second decade of the 21st century.

March 6-12 & 12-21 , 2010 Morocco Study Educational Tours
George Mason ( Experience in Morocco )Prof: Fatima Hadji Location: Morocco
New York University March , 2010 ( Workshops : TBD)Location: Morocco
مارس 2010: انطلاق رحلة طلابية تضم 110 طلبة يمثلون
George Mason University & New York University
بإشراف وتأطير من أساتذة مغاربة جامعيين مقيمين بأمريكا

March 22, 2010 : Friends of Morocco Honors Five Decades of Peace Corps Service to Morocco
Friends of Morocco Honors Five Decades of Peace Corps Service to Morocco Date and Location TBD, 6:30 pm Networking; 7:00 to 8:00 pm Program. Chair: Tim Resch, President, Friends of Morocco, Phone 703 470 3166Panelists: Rueben Simmons, Peace Corps Morocco Director 1963Marilyn Charles, Morocco 1 Cicely Wolters, Peace Corps Desk Officer for Morocco.
مارس2010 / يحدد لاحقا : تكريم أصدقاء المغرب الأمريكيين من العاملين في هيأة جناح السلام الأمريكية

Wednesday March 23, 2010 : Moroccan-US Sister Cities
Washington DC Location : TBD Chair and Contacts : Boubker Mazoz:mazozboubker@gmail.comMorocco - US sister cities: Agadir/Oakland, CA, Tiznit/ Sommerville, MA, Jadida/ Tacoma, WA, Chefchaouen, Issaquah, WA, Marrakesh / Scottsdale, AZ, Casablanca / Chicago, ILEl Hajeb /Council Bluffs in Iowa, USA.

Wednesday March 24, 2010 Town Hall Meeting : Media
National Press Club, 12 - 5 PMLocation: 529 14th Street, NW, 13th FloorWashington, DC 20045 / Metro Stop: Metro Center, 13th St. ExitParticipants USA: Hisham Bourar, Mohammed Alami, Mohammed Lemine , Mohsine Jbabdi, Fadwa Samat and L'housine Oulbaz Participants Morocco:MP Fatiha Layadi, Mohamed Dourrachad, Fes, Morocco, and Abderrahman Al Adaoui, Radio plus, CEO, Morocco
الأربعاء 24 مارس 2010 : ندوة حول الإعلام المغربي

March 28 , 2010 Strengthening the Moroccan American presence in the United States of America
Venue TBDChair: Abdel Elkhadiri, President, Houston Moroccan Society, Co Chair: Hassan Samrhouni, President & Founder,
الخميس 28 مارس 2010: تنظيم لقاء لفائدة الجالية المغربية المقيمة بأمريكا

Friday & Saturday March 26 & 27, 2010 Hassan Mendoun Memorial Soccer Tournament
Teams to Represent Various States
World Class Athletes to Partake
Venue: Virginia Highlands Soccer Field
1501 S. Hayes Street,
Arlington, VA. 22206
Teams and Schedule: TBA
Chair: Jamal Laoudi
Contact info: - (301 )367-2433
Co-chairs: Madhar El Youssefi & Hassan Bouyboud, and Abderrahim Hosn.
Guests of honor: Nezha Bidouane, Abdelmajid Dolmy , Aziz Boudarbala, Salaheddine Basir and Khalil Azmi
الجمعة والسبت 26 و 27 مارس 2010
تنظيم دوري في كرة القدم تشارك فيه فرق مغربية مقيمة بأمريكا تكريما للراحل حسن مندون حارس سابق لفريق الرجاء البيضاوي. وتنظيم سباق الشباب المغربي الأمريكي داخل القاعة بإشراف من العداءة الدولية السابقة نزهة بيدوان.

March 2010 Morocco-US Relations - An Update at The Maghreb Center, Georgetown University
Moroccan American CenterMarch 2010- When & Where: TBD Chairs and Contacts : Jean AbiNader : jabinader@moroccanamericancenter.comCaitlin Dearing : Hosted by The Moroccan American Center is pleased to cooperate with the Washington Moroccan Club in the observance of its 20th anniversary.
مارس 2010 / يحدد لاحقا: ندوة حول العلاقات المغربية الأمريكية في جامعة جورج تاون ويحتضنها المركز المغربي الأمريكي

Saturday, March 27, 2010: Youth 2k Morocco/USA Fun Run
Venue/Time: TBDChair: Driss Benmhend,
Event for boys and girls ages 7 to 12 to promote healthy living through physical exercise. The kids' fun run will build their confidence and self-respect and educate them about staying active. This is also a fun event for families who can join in the fitness fun! Then enjoy a fresh healthy snack and have plenty of fun watching the soccer tournament.

March 2010: Sahara Cultural Day
Sahara Cultural Day March 2010 Where : TBD
مارس 2010 / يحدد لاحقا : يوم الثقافة الصحراوية

Date and Location TBDADVANCING INTERFAITH DIALOGUE: An Action Plan For Increasing Religious Understanding and Resisting Intolerance
مارس2010 / يحدد لاحقا : ندوة حول حوار الديانات بجامعة جورج مايتن George Mason

Friday March 26, 2010, WMC 20/20 Musical Finale & Closing Gala
Date Friday March 26, 2010 WMC 20/20 Musical Finale & Closing Gala Venue: The George Washington University Lisner Auditorium730 21st Street, NW Washington, DC 20052
الجمعة 26 مارس 2010: حفل الاختتام بتنظيم سهرة فنية كبرى تتضمن أنواعا غنائية مختلفة